Dear Friends in Mission,
The marvel of Christmas is that it includes everything – everything! Everything in the mission of God.
That’s not surprising. After all, the God of the cosmos – infinite and all-encompassing – comes to us distilled in an infant in a particular place and time. The ramifications of that event, that presence, are bound to be infinite and all-encompassing.
Emmanuel, God with us – that’s God’s loving gift in the Incarnation. We are not alone. The infinite, all-encompassing God lived among us in Jesus, sharing our vulnerability to pain and joy, fulfillment and despair. The heart of Christmas is both mystic and material – ‘the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.’
And what a dwelling it has been as God’s mission unfolded through the Christ event! – Jesus sharing the joy of family and friends. Jesus reaching out in compassion to the suffering. Jesus healing the blind, the deaf, the mute, the leprous. Jesus reconciling the world to God. Jesus conquering death in the power of resurrection. Jesus bringing hope to the whole created order as it awaits consummation.
All of you are sharing in that continuing mission. You’re sharing the good news of the Triune God across boundaries of language, race, culture and nation. You’re standing in solidarity with people suffering in myriad ways. You’re healing the sick. You’re bringing economic empowerment to the poor. You’re offering education at many levels. You’re inspiring through the arts. You’re tackling the root causes of injustice. You’re reconciling people with one another and with God. You’re safeguarding creation. To the extent the pandemic permits, you’re standing with people in person, incarnationally.
God is grateful for you. God thanks you.,
May you, your families and your companions in mission have a joyful Christmastide.
In the missional Christ,

Titus Presler, Executive Director
On behalf of the GEMN Board:
Dr. Martha Alexander, Diocese of North Carolina; the Rev. Jean Beniste, Diocese of Chicago; the Rev.Jaime Briceño, Bexley Seabury Seminary; the Rev. Dr. Grace Burton-Edwards, Diocese of Atlanta, Secretary; the Rev. Meredith Crigler, Diocese of Texas; the Rev. Maurice Dyer, Diocese of Pennsylvania; Ms. Jenny Grant, Office of Global Partnerships; Mr. Bill Kunkle, Diocese of Southwest Florida, Treasurer; Ms. Ayda Patricia Martin, Diocese of the Dominican Republic, President; Ms. Molly O’Brien, Diocese of Pennsylvania, Vice President; the Rev. Paul Rajan, Diocese of Newark; the Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Diocese of Iowa; the Rev. Canon Dr. Helen Van Koevering, Diocese of Lexington