New to GEMN or missed a past conference? Recaps of past conferences, including information about keynote speakers and workshops are available as a resource to help you learn about and engage in global mission. Click on a conference image to find resources from the conference.
The Global Episcopal Mission Network held its 2019 Global Mission Conference on April 3-5 in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. In partnership with the Diocese of the Dominican Republic, the theme, “Sharing Jesus: Mutual Witness in Global Mission”, focused on sharing our witness to Christ across cultures, engaging in healthy mission, mission best-practices, and spiritual formation for mission.
The conference emphasized the role of cross-cultural witness and evangelism in global mission, both spiritually and practically. Keynote speakers focused on mutuality in cross-cultural witness and creating connections as they reflect on God’s call to mission. Keynoters and speakers included:
- The Rt. Rev. Griselda Delgado, Bishop of Cuba
- The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Stewardship of Creation
- The Rev. David Copley, Director of Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel
Panelists included:
- The Rt. Rev. Moisés Quezada Mota, Bishop of Iglesia Episcopal Dominicana
- The Rt. Rev. William Skilton, former missionary in the Dominican Republic and retired suffragan bishop of South Carolina
- The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, Director of Ethnic Ministries for the Episcopal Church.
2018 Conference
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
Our 2018 conference placed a special emphasis on creating and nurturing strong communities, both spiritual and practical. Keynote speakers, working in tandem, focused on the theology and practice of relationship-building, mutuality, and creating connections as they reflected on God’s call to mission. Keynote speakers included:
- The Rev. Canon John Kafwanka, Dir. of Mission for the Anglican Communion
- The Rev. Dr. Robert Heaney, Dir. of VTS Center for Anglican Communion Studies
- Ms. Monica Vega and Ms. Heidi Schmidt, Missionaries ministering in Argentina, sponsored by St. Stephen’s, Richmond, VA
- The Rev. David Copley, Dir. of Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel, The Episcopal Church
Our 2017 conference highlighted reconciliation as the heart and overall direction of God’s mission in the world, a theme addressed from ethnic, interfaith, racial, environmental and inter-Anglican perspectives. Workshops and keynote speakers challenged our notions of mission and encouraged the exploration of themes of hospitality and vulnerability in mission. Keynote speakers included:
- The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald,
National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, Anglican Church of Canada - The Rev. Paul-Gordon Chandler, Director of CARAVAN
- Ms. Heidi Kim, Staff Officer for Racial Reconciliation, The Episcopal Church
2016 Conference
Universidad Interamericana de Ponce, Puerto Rico
Co-hosted by the Diocese of Puerto Rico, our 2016 conference focused on issues of migration, forced displacement, and refugees. Keynote speakers included:
- The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
- Ms Allison Duvall and Ms. Wendy Johnson, Episcopal Migration Ministries
- Panel Discussion with The Rt. Rev. Julio Holguin (Dom. Rep.), The Rt. Rev. Francisco Duque (Columbia), Sr. Jose Bringas (Cuba) Mr. Noah Bullock (Cristosal/El Salvador), moderated by The Rt. Rev. Wilfrido Ramos (Puerto Rico)
2015 Conference
All Saints Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Georgia
Our 2015 conference in Atlanta examined God’s work of peace, justice, human rights and global reconciliation. Visit to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Nat’l Historical Park. Keynote speakers included:
- The Rev. Canon Dr. Titus Presler, Principal-in-exile, Edwardes College, Peshawar, Pakistan
- The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris, Bishop Suffragan, Diocese of Massachusetts
- The Rt. Rev. Santosh Marray, Assistant Bishop, Diocese of Alabama
2014 Conference
Best Western Executive Hotel, Seattle, Washington
The focus for our 2014 conference, held May 29-Jun 1, included mission areas such as the Pacific Rim: Asia and the Philippines, Indigenous Ministries, Interfaith Initiatives in Mission, and International Mission at Home. Site visits to Mission to Seafarers and the historically Japanese-American parish of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.
Keynote speakers included:
- The Rev. Eric Law, Kaleidoscope Institute
- The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald,
National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, Anglican Church of Canada - Mr. Brian Sellers-Peterson, Episcopal Relief & Development