This monthly prayer cycle seeks to be inclusive but cannot claim to be comprehensive. Entities are listed alphabetically. If you know of an initiative that is not included, or if you see a mistake that needs to be corrected, please write to GEMN at:
First published in January 2021 & updated periodically since then.
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Day 1
Diocese of Alabama – Companion Diocese Commission – The diocese has a companion diocese relationship with Honduras. Parishes and individuals continue mission relationships with parishes and ministries in the Virgin Islands, Haiti, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Malawi.
Diocese of Albany – Mission Committee – The diocese has relationships with Haiti, Peru, Down & Dromore in Northern Ireland, Maridi in South Sudan, Diocese of the Arctic in Canada, and the dioceses of Northern Malawi, and Toliara in Madagascar
Diocese of Atlanta – Global Mission Commission – The diocese nurtures a companionship with the Diocese of Cape Coast in Ghana, and supports the work of the Episcopal Atlanta Haiti Companions.
American Friends of the Diocese of Jerusalem – “Transforming lives of the vulnerable and displaced in the Middle East through support of schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities.” Ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem include healthcare access, equitable education for girls and women, next-generation leadership, children with disabilities, and youth empowerment and employability. AFEDJ raises funds, undertakes advocacy, and promotes pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Day 2
American Friends of the Episcopal Church in the Sudans is “a network of individuals, congregations, dioceses, and other organizations that seeks to focus attention on the needs and priorities of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Episcopal Church of Sudan, and enable American friends to assist the ECSS in meeting the needs of the Sudanese people. AFRECS works to advance peace and stability in South Sudan and Sudan, seeking to amplify the voices of Sudanese Christians.”
Anglican Frontier Missions “is committed to going where the need is greatest, planting indigenous churches among the largest and least evangelized peoples in the world in the 10/40 window [North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia]. AFM mobilizes churches and sends short- and long-term missionaries to do pioneer, frontier missions in areas where a viable and visible church still does not exist.”
Diocese of Bethlehem has missional relationships with Kajo Keji in South Sudan through extensive educational support.
Day 3
Bexley Seabury Seminary – Located in Chicago, Bexley Seabury exposes its students to global mission through course work, internships and pilgrimages.
Bridges to Pakistan, founded in the early 2000s, supports the ministry of the Diocese of Peshawar in the Church of Pakistan through prayer, fundraising, visits and encouragement as Christians in that country experience discrimination and persecution.
Diocese of California – Companion Diocese Commission – The diocese nurtures a companionship with the Diocese of Honduras. The commission networks the diverse international and cross-cultural relationships that the congregations of the diocese have developed.
Caravan “builds sustainable peace around the world by creating artistic encounter points that bring together those of divergent backgrounds and worldviews to stimulate discussion, dialogue and education, promoting further understanding, with a vision toward healing our world and creatively fostering peace and harmony in all its forms. Caravan develops, organizes, curates and consults on artistic peacebuilding initiatives.”
Day 4
Center for Anglican Communion Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary – “Committed to theological education through international partnerships, CACS serves the vision of forming Church leaders with sensitivity and capacity to participate in God’s mission through the Anglican Communion.”
Diocese of Central Ecuador has missional relationships with the dioceses of Upper South Carolina, Long Island, Indianapolis, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and Atlanta.
Diocese of Central Florida maintains mission relationships with Honduras and Sao Paulo Mercy Ministry.
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast maintains a mission relationship with the Dominican Republic.
Day 5
Diocese of Central New York – Global Mission Committee – Central New York nurtures a companionship with the Diocese of El Salvador.
Diocese of Central Pennsylvania has a missional relationship with the Diocese of Sao Paolo in Brazil.
Diocese of Chicago has companion relationships with Renk in South Sudan and Southeast Mexico, and congregations maintain man other relationships.
Day 6
Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia – Mission Committee – The parish nourishes a covenant relationship with the Diocese of Renk in South Sudan. Friends of Mengo grew out of a relationship that began in 1982 with Mengo Hospital in Uganda. For over 20 years parishioners have traveled to Our Little Roses, a home for girls in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
Christian Connections for International Health “began in 1987 as a forum for Christians concerned about global health to discuss areas of mutual interest. Today we are a diverse network of organizations and individuals from across the globe. Our mission is to mobilize and empower our network to promote global health and wholeness from a Christian perspective.” With about 140 member organizations, including ERD, CCIH holds an annual conference in Maryland.
Diocese of Colombia has missional relationships with the dioceses of West Virginia and Connecticut, and with St. Gabriel’s Church in Marion, Mass.
Day 7
Diocese of Connecticut – Companions in Mission Network – “Our mission is to inspire, encourage, and equip individuals and parishes for active mission engagement locally and around the world. We meet regularly for prayer, mutual encouragement, sharing of information and strategies for mission and to fulfill responsibilities delegated to us by our bishop and diocesan leadership.” The network convenes an annual diocesan mission conference.
Cristosal “works to advance human rights in Central America through rights-based research, learning and programming. We support victims of violence by providing protection when they need it most, repair the effects of human rights violations through strategic court cases, and work with municipalities to build safer, more democratic communities. Cristosal was born in 2000 as a collaboration between Episcopal clergy in the United States and El Salvador.”
Diocese of Cuba is establishing links with numerous Episcopal dioceses, congregations and agencies to strengthen its work in evangelism, church growth and socio-economic development.
Day 8
Diocese of Delaware – Mission and Outreach Committee serves as a global mission resource to congregations and coordinates diocesan mission initiatives.
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society – Office of Global Partnerships helps “build bridges beyond ourselves.” OGP trains, sends and supports Episcopal Volunteers in Mission and Young Adult Service Corps missionaries, totaling about 35, in companionship with Anglican dioceses around the world. The unit coordinates the Episcopal Church’s relationships with Anglican provinces and dioceses worldwide and is a resource for Episcopal dioceses and congregations.
Diocese of the Dominican Republic – With its 65 congregations and 24 schools, the diocese has missional relationships with the dioceses of Eastern Michigan, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska, Northwest Texas, South Carolina, Southwest Florida and Western Louisiana. The diocese partnered with GEMN to host the 2019 Global Mission Conference in Boca Chica, D.R.
Day 9
Dominican Development Group – “The mission of DDG is to represent the Dominican Episcopal Church in the U.S., provide technical help and resources, and support companion diocese relationships. In this way it helps underwrite the development of the Dominican Episcopal Church by facilitating its takeoff, helping equip it for ministry in the Dominican Republic, and supporting the church’s basic priorities of evangelism, social ministries and self-sufficiency.” DDG was founded in 1998.
Diocese of East Carolina has a mission relationship with the Diocese of the Dominican Republic.
Diocese of Easton – Eastern Shore Global Mission has mission companionships with people in Kenya, Peru, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean.
Diocese of El Camino Real has missional relationships with the Diocese of Gloucester in the Church of England and with the Diocese of Western Tanganyika in Tanzania.
Day 10
Episcopal Relief & Development works in collaboration with church partners and other local organizations throughout the Anglican Communion to facilitate healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities that are struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Its three focus areas are Women, Children, and Climate. It offers training in Asset-Based Community Development. A network of ministry partners helps mobilize Episcopalians to support the work of ERD.
Diocese of Florida nurtures a companion diocese relationship with Cuba and mission relationships with Peru and Guatemala.
Five Talents – “Transforming Lives through Economic Empowerment.” Born at the 1998 Lambeth Conference, “Five Talents is a faith-based international development organization that helps families living in extreme poverty save, invest, and develop small businesses.” It has supported international partners in over 20 countries, and its current work is focused on Bolivia, Burundi, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
Day 11
Friends of the Episcopal Church in Cuba is “a U.S.-based volunteer organization working with Bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio to help her and her team realize their transformational vision of ‘creating a church that, united in diversity, celebrates, preaches, teaches, serves and shares the love of God.’” It was founded in 2016.
Diocese of Georgia has a missional relationship with the Dominican Republic through the Dominican Development Group.
Global Episcopal Mission Network is the freestanding network of dioceses, congregations, agencies, seminaries and individuals dedicated to “proclaim, inspire and ignite the joy of God’s mission” throughout the church. Founded in 1994, GEMN provides missional resources and sponsors the annual Global Mission Conference, the Mission Formation Program, Mission Thursdays and the online Global Episcopal Mission Community.
Global Refugee Mission of New England was founded in 2015 as the Syrian Refugee Mission of New England to reach out to Syrian refugees in Syria and the Middle East, where it has built two schools and sends clothes, blankets and medical supplies. Begun at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Beverly Farms, Mass., the network now includes over 50 congregations of numerous denominations. In 2022 it changed its name as it broadened its mission to include refugees from Ukraine.
Day 12
Diocese of Haiti has missional links with numerous Episcopal dioceses and agencies in its work of congregational development, education and healthcare.
Haiti Nursing Foundation “improves health in the Republic of Haiti by supporting quality nursing education, primarily at the Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de l’Université Episcopale d’Haïti, located in Léogâne, Haiti. Founded in 2005, HNF’s vision is to support centers of excellence for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education for nurses, preparing them to serve as practitioners, faculty, and leaders in Haiti’s healthcare system.”
Diocese of Hawaii has missional relationships with the Diocese of Polynesia in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Diocese of Seoul in Korea.
Day 13
Health Tanzania – With work begun in 2005, “Health Tanzania partners with Tanzanian individuals and organizations to improve the health and education of poor Tanzanians. Our current programs focus on two very poor neighborhoods in Dar es Salaam, a city of five million people, and very poor and isolated coastal villages. With our Tanzanian partners, we are helping to provide out-patient and in-patient health care, community health and prevention programs, and primary education.”
Diocese of Indianapolis – Global Mission Commission partners with the Diocese of Haiti in educational, infrastructure and relief work and with the Diocese of Brasilia in building up social agencies that are centered around Anglican communities of the church to develop community life.
Diocese of Iowa – One World One Church Commission works through companionships with the Diocese of Brechin in the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Swaziland in the Province of Southern Africa, the Diocese of Nzara in the Anglican Church of South Sudan, and has a relationship in mutual prayer with the Diocese of Phulbani in the Church of North India.
Day 14
Jerusalem Peacebuilders “is an interfaith, non-profit organization with a mission to create a better future for humanity across religions, cultures, and nationalities. Our programs focus on uniting Israeli, Palestinian and American youth and adults and providing them with the opportunities and skills they need to become future leaders for peace in the global community.” Founded in 2011.
Diocese of Kansas supports a missionary who is living and working in Kathmandu to eradicate human trafficking in Nepal. Kansas-to-Kenya teams travel each summer to help alleviate the suffering of those living in extreme poverty. The Haiti Ministry promotes a number of companionships with congregations and schools. The diocesan Alleluia Grant program supports mission and outreach.
Diocese of Kentucky maintains mission relationships with the Diocese of Byuma in Rwanda and the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway in the Scottish Episcopal Church.
Day 15
Diocese of Lexington has mission relationships with Haiti and Guatemala.
Diocese of Ecuador Littoral has mission relationships with the dioceses of Puerto Rico, New Jersey, and Tennessee.
Diocese of Los Angeles – Global Partnership Program Group works in places where people in the parishes have a connection. It strengthens companion diocese relationships with the Church of Pakistan, the Diocese of Puerto Rico, and the Diocese of Jerusalem. It supports work with refugees along the border of Mexico and Guatemala.
Diocese of Louisiana has mission relationships with the dioceses of Haiti, Honduras, and Tohoku, Japan.
Day 16
Diocese of Maryland nurtures a companion relationship with the Diocese of Puerto Rico.
Diocese of Mississippi maintains mission relationships with Honduras, Panama, South Rwenzori in Uganda, the Virgin Islands, and Ezo in South Sudan, and has led medical missions to Honduras.
Love Must Act – “We act on love to build partnerships for sustainable education. Employing a holistic approach to educational excellence, our projects empower local communities rather than fostering dependence. Our model is the Holy Cross School in Grahamstown, South Africa, and our aim is for each of our projects to be transparent, measurable by objective standards, and sustainable into the future.” Founded in 2016, Love Must Act works with the Anglican Board of Education for Southern Africa.
Day 17
Diocese of Maine maintains through its bishop a relationship with the Anglican Church of Rwanda and encourages companionship with congregations and schools in the Diocese of Haiti.
Diocese of Massachusetts – Jubilee Global Mission Commission – “Our diocese has answered the call to join God’s mission in the world in ways and places as varied as our history is long, and we continue in the unfinished legacy of loving and sacrificial service as God’s hands and feet, God’s heart and voice in this increasingly interconnected but still broken world.” Staff and grants assist congregations in global companionships through four networks: Africa, Haiti, Latin America and the Middle East.
Missionaries – Fulltime missionaries are sent and supported by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society through the Episcopal Volunteers in Mission and Young Adult Service Corps programs. Fulltime missionaries are sent and supported by Anglican Frontier Missions and the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders. Thousands of people go out in short-term mission pilgrimage from congregations, dioceses and agencies.
Day 18
Diocese of Nebraska has a missional relationship with the Diocese of the Dominican Republic.
Diocese of Nevada has missional relationships with the dioceses of Santiago in the Philippines and Machakos in Kenya.
Diocese of New Hampshire nurtures a partnership with Christ Church Exeter in the Church of England and Iglesia Episcopal San Francisco de Asis in Cardenas, Cuba
Day 19
Diocese of New York – Global Mission Commission – One of the two founding dioceses of GEMN (with the Diocese of Southern Ohio), New York has a link with the Diocese of Central Tanganyika in Tanzania and has past links with the Province of Southern Africa, the Church of Pakistan, and the Diocese of Chennai in the Church of South India. The diocese promotes support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Women’s Fund.
Diocese of North Carolina has companion diocese relationships with the Diocese of Botswana (since 2008) and the Diocese of Costa Rica (since 1997) that have fostered ministry and mission across provincial boundaries. “The Chartered Committee for Global Mission encourages proposals inspiring the participation of parishioners in the diocese and for projects contributing toward sustainability by the community served, with the prospect for self-sufficiency being particularly encouraged.”
Diocese of Northern Indiana – Companion Diocese Committee – Since 1996 the diocese has supported and made regular mission trips to its companion diocese in Honduras: “It has been an immensely rich and rewarding relationship. Short-term mission participants have returned from their trips amazed to see God’s hand in the everyday life of these faithful people.” Projects have included a water treatment plant, efficient stoves, water cisterns, churches, a chapel and a daycare center.
Day 20
Diocese of Ohio – Commission on Global and Domestic Mission nurtures efforts in the companion dioceses of Tanga in Tanzania and of Belize, and it works with congregations to sponsor mission trips around the country and the world. The Office of Missions encourages and oversees mission work of all kinds: collaborative, local and foreign. Those supported serve as ambassadors of Christ, bringing reconciliation, hope and education via financial grants.
Diocese of Olympia – Global Mission Committee has relationships with the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Diocese of El Salvador, and the Great Lakes region of East Africa. The committee funds global mission grants for companionships and mission projects.
Order of the Holy Cross – A men’s monastic order based in West Park, New York, OHC had longstanding work in Liberia and, more recently, in Grahamstown, South Africa, where it founded a school.
Day 21
Diocese of Oregon – Global Mission Commission.
Partnership for World Mission of the Church of England facilitates communication among mission agencies: Church Army, Church’s Ministry Among Jewish People, Church Mission Society, Church Pastoral Aid Society, Crosslinks, Continental Church Society, Mission to Seafarers, Mothers’ Union, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and United Society Partners in the Gospel.
Diocese of Pennsylvania – Global Mission Commission – “Our aim is to connect, resource and cultivate parishes and global mission partners, as well as share the good news of Jesus Christ from our siblings from around the globe and Anglican Communion.”
Day 22
Diocese of Puerto Rico – Seeking to make the Episcopal Church in Puerto Rico dynamic, missionary and evangelistic, the diocese nurtures companion relationships with the Diocese of Cuba and the Diocese of Maryland.
Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders is a missionary-sending agency with over a hundred missionaries serving in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Pacific. (It was formerly the South American Missionary Society-USA, founded in 1976.)
Diocese of San Diego has a mission relationship with the Diocese of El Salvador.
Diocese of San Joaquin has a mission relationship with the Diocese of Haiti.
Day 23
Society of St. Margaret – The oldest and largest of the Episcopal women’s monastic orders and based in Boston, St. Margaret’s has longstanding work in Haiti, notably at Holy Trinity School.
Diocese of South Carolina has a mission relationship with the Diocese of the Dominican Republic through the Dominican Development Group.
Diocese of Southern Ohio – The diocese designates .07% of the annual Mission Share budget to global mission projects that support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Southern Ohio was one of the two founding dioceses of GEMN (with the Diocese of New York).
Day 24
Diocese of Southwestern Virginia maintains mission relationships with the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales in the Church of England, the Episcopal Church in South Sudan and Sudan, and the Diocese of Haiti
Standing Commission on World Mission – Revived by the 2018 General Convention, SCWM identifies the global mission work carried out by DFMS, dioceses, congregations and mission organizations throughout the church; consults with them to envision future directions for the church’s global engagement; and develops policy proposals for consideration by General Convention.
Stand With Iraqi Christians (SWIC)– “SWIC’s mission is to offer friendship and financial support to Iraqi Christians and their communities as they work to restore peace, rebuild society, and secure a future for their children.” It is based in Radnor, Pennsylvania.
St. Francis Ministries has been helping children and families since 1945. In Central America it is “helping to align efforts and contribute to national strategies to address food emergencies and to support the nutritional wellbeing of children and families in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.” It assists with refugee resettlement in the USA.
Day 25
Sudan Sunrise “works with individuals from diverse religious backgrounds and identities to facilitate reconciliation efforts which will ensure lasting peace in Sudan and South Sudan. Primarily focused on the dream of the late Manute Bol, we center our efforts on building schools, creating education opportunities and religious reconciliation.”
Diocese of Taiwan has missional relationships with the Diocese of Westminster in Canada and Osaka in Japan.
Day 26
Diocese of Tennessee has a mission relationship with the Diocese of Ecuador Littoral.
Diocese of Texas – Global Partnerships in Mission – The diocese nurtures companion relationships with the Diocese of Costa Rica, the Diocese of Southern Malawi, and the Diocese of North Dakota. It encourages and supports the global mission endeavors supported by congregations and institutions in the diocese. It promotes global reconciliation through relations with the Anglican Communion and through grants in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church Women collects mission funds throughout the church through its well-known Blue Boxes and distributes funds throughout the world for infrastructure projects in response to grant applications from all provinces of the Anglican Communion, including the Episcopal Church USA.
Day 27
Diocese of Upper South Carolina has a 40-year mission relationship with the Diocese of Haiti and Central the Diocese of Ecuador Central, which features the ministry of Education Equals Hope.
Diocese of Vermont – Global Mission Network encourages congregations to develop international mission companionships and supports existing relationships with Cristosol, Anglicans in Zimbabwe, and the Church of Pakistan.
Diocese of the Virgin Islands nurtures a companion relationship with the Diocese of Alabama.
Day 28
Diocese of Virginia – Missional Engagement Ministry – Numerous Virginia congregations nurture working relationships with the church in Dominican Republic, in Haiti and in South Sudan. Missional Engagement encourages links in various parts of the world such as South Korea, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Oman and Qatar. The Triangle of Hope, which includes the Diocese of Liverpool in England and the Diocese of Kumasi in Ghana, focuses on the legacy of the slave trade.
Warm Hearts International – A longstanding companionship between Texas Episcopalians and the Diocese of Southern Malawi, Warm Hearts nurtures relationship through visits and assists the diocese with health and water projects.
Diocese of Washington (D.C.) nurtures two companion relationships: The Southern Africa Link Committee was formed in early 2004 to coordinate the diocese’s partnership with the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. The Jerusalem Partnership Committee facilitates the diocese’s relationship with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East. It also has a relationship with the Diocese of Honduras.
Day 29
Diocese of West Tennessee has a mission relationship with the Diocese of Haiti.
Diocese of West Texas – World Missions Department “seeks to engage every member and every church of the diocese in the work of evangelism and mission.” Numerous mission teams annually strengthen mission companionships with Navajoland, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Kenya, Lakota Sioux, Puerto Rico and Colombia.
Day 30
Diocese of West Virginia maintains a mission relationship with the Diocese of Colombia.
Diocese of Western North Carolina has companionships with the dioceses of Haiti and Cuba, and with communities in India.
Diocese of Western Massachusetts – In the companionship with the Diocese of Kumasi in Ghana, Change the Babies is a ministry that supports children whose mothers died in childbirth at the Mampong Babies Home in Kumasi.