General Convention commended GEMN, suggested membership support, and allocated $50,000

The General Convention of the Episcopal Church offered moral and financial support to the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) at its meeting last summer.

In passing Resolution A028, which was submitted by the Standing Commission on World Mission (SCWM), the churchwide legislative body celebrated GEMN’s 25 years of encouraging global mission.  It singled out for commendation GEMN’s collaboration with SCWM and the Office of Global Partnership in developing the Global Mission Digital Toolkit, which offers online resources to dioceses, congregations and organizations engaged in world mission.

Convention encouraged individuals, congregations, dioceses, seminaries and mission organizations to support GEMN though participation, membership and funding.

In the resolution’s final resolve, Convention allocated $50,000 to GEMN over the next biennium, that is, the two years until the next General Convention in 2024.

“When God sends, God supports!” said GEMN President Ayda Patricia Martin of the Dominican Republic.  “Here is another sign that GEMN has been doing important work in the expansion of global missionary work.  Thanks to the General Convention for supporting the efforts that GEMN makes day after day with visible results. Thank you for facilitating the development of programs and allocating the funds as well.  Dios nos bendice en su servicio!”

“This expression of support is encouraging as we seek to gather, inspire and equip people to participate in God’s mission,” said GEMN executive director Dr. Titus Presler.  “GEMN is a behind-the-scenes network of support for all engaged in global mission, and it’s exciting to have our work spotlighted.  And we’re very grateful for the financial support.”

Following is the text of the resolution:

A028 Join, Participate, and Fund the Global Episcopal Mission Network

Resolved, That the 80th General Convention celebrate and commend the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) and its leadership on 25 years of encouraging global mission within and beyond the Church and equipping and inspiring individuals, congregations, and organizations to engage in this work; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention acknowledge GEMN’s collaboration with the Standing Commission on World Mission and the Office of Global Partnerships in Constable Grant funded work to develop and disseminate a toolkit of online mission formation resources and other programs to promote theologically grounded practices of engagement with the world; and be it further

Resolved, That individuals, congregations, seminaries, mission organizations, dioceses, and jurisdictions be encouraged to support the work of GEMN by becoming members, participating in its conferences and activities, and funding its work; and be it further

Resolved, That $50,000 be budgeted to support the work of GEMN during the next biennium.


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