2021 Global Mission Conference:

Earthkeeping: Creation Care in Global Mission

Save the dates: Earth Day: Thursday, April 22 + Friday & Saturday, April 23 & 24

Climate change and ecological degradation are the major planetary crisis of our time. How can Christians in global mission engage with the crisis through the Creator God, the Redeeming Christ and the Empowering Spirit?  The 2021 conference will explore how mission activists can engage with the planetary crisis.

This year’s conference, postponed from last year by the pandemic, will be held online via Zoom on Earth Day – Thursday, April 22 – & the following Friday & Saturday, April 23 & 24. So save the dates! Each day will have one 3-hour session: 10-1 Pacific = 1-4 Eastern. Stay tuned! More details will be announced soon.

Join our email list for conference updates, and visit our conference page for more information!